GMP+ Feed Certification Scheme 2020

GMP+ Feed Certification Scheme 2020 (latest scheme), you are contributing to the global assurance of feed safety. Mainly for the Feed industry and companies involved in the overall feed ingredients supply chain.

Training Modules

1 day GMP+ FC Scheme 2020 Awareness Training

Number of Days: 1

Course Summary
The objective of this course is to enable participants to understand the latest changes from GMP+ FC scheme 2010 to the latest framework GMP+ FC Scheme 2020

2 days GMP+ FC Scheme 2020 Awareness Training

Number of Days: 2

Course Summary
The objective of this course is to enable participants to understand the latest framework GMP+ FC Scheme 2020

2 days GMP+ FC Scheme 2020 Internal Auditor Training

Number of Days: 2

Course Summary
The objective of this course is to enable participants to undertake Feed Safety Management Systems auditing within the GMP+ FC Scheme 2020 framework.

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