ISO 22000:2018

Many companies are developing food quality and safety management systems based on hazard analysis and Critical Control points (HACCP). In 2001, ISO established an auditable standard, to further deepen HACCP’s role in the Food safety management system.

The ISO 22000 is an international certification standard that defines food safety management requirements for companies that need to comply with and exceed food safety rules worldwide. The standard covers the needs of all consumers and markets.

The standard created a harmonious safety standard that has been recognized all over the world. By integrating multiparty principles, multiple methods, and applications, ISO22000 has become easier to understand, apply, and identify. This makes it a more efficient and fast market entry tool than the previous integration of multinational standards.

ISO 22000 is able to cover categories as below:

-Farming of Animals (Category A)

-Food Manufacturing (Category C)

-Animal Feed Production (Category D)

-Catering (Category E)

-Retail and Wholesale (Category F)

-Transport and Storage (Category G)

-Production of Food Packaging and Packaging Materials (Category I)

-Producti0on of Biochemicals (Category K)

Training Modules

Understanding ISO 22000:2018

Number of Days: 1

Course Summary
This course helps you understand the Standard’s general principles.

Implementing ISO 22000:2018

Number of Days: 2

Course Summary
This course teaches the Standard’s general principles and compliance with its requirements. You also learn what to expect during the certification process; what to do before, during, and after the audit.

ISO 22000:2018 Internal Auditor

Number of Days: 2

Course Summary
The objective of this course is to enable participants to undertake This course enables you to conduct internal ISO 22000:2018 audits. It includes workshop-led discussions, presentations, and an interactive case study.

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